Though a Memory Book is simply paper and plastic, we have trusted God to do miracles of healing in broken hearts of children as they use the Memory Book and attend Memory Books Clubs to help them tell their stories.
Comfort Akpajeshi
Since 2011, thousands of Memory Books have been distributed throughout Nigeria. Only God knows the reach Memory Books has had across Nigeria—until now. We are pleased to share Comfort Akpajeshi’s story with you, from her letter dated February 20, 2019:
“I have suffered loss and grief. My story is that I lost my dad three months before I was born and afterwards I grew up with my maternal uncle and his wife. Because I was not showed love, I followed bad friends who made me feel as though no one cared for me. So I took to ways that led me to sin; when God himself found me, He made me know that He cares for me.
My passion for children started in 1999 when God began to impress on my heart to identify with the children’s ministry in my local church. After some few months of reluctance, I finally surrendered to the heavenly vision in the year 2000 when I trained with the Children Evangelism Ministry (CEM); In 2011 I trained with the Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) as a children’s evangelist. In 2014, I attended a training with the sports movement ReadySetGo—a mission strategy using sports and play to evangelize to children. All this was as a result for my passion to see children growing up early in Christ.
I got to know about Memory Books in July 2016 at a retreat for teachers of children at Bida, Niger State, Nigeria. After hearing about Memory Books, I knew that was just it: EVERYONE MATTERS TO GOD.
My first correspondence to Memory Books for Children was in October 2016; I did not receive a reply to my inquiry, but I kept praying. In September 2018 I received an email of apology for the delay in responding. In October 2018 I received through my postal mail a Memory Book, a year planner, a training manual, a book titled l Am Somebody, and also a lovely card. This literature further highlighted my interest in exploring the boundless opportunities to reaching out to and reaching children for Christ. After that I requested a thousand Memory Books that were received in October/November 2018.
I cast the vision for Memory Book Clubs in November 2018 with fifteen volunteers from various communities. On February 2, 2019, twenty volunteers were trained. So far we have reached out to 980 children. We have about twenty-six Memory Book Clubs being handled by thirty-five volunteers in various communities in Niger state.
The level of awesomeness to the Memory Book for children has been very overwhelming in Bida and part of Minna and Kotongora and other communities in Niger state. The Memory Book experience, coupled with my background training as a children’s evangelist, has opened a new chapter in my passion for children. This has been a new level experience with a big potential of making children’s evangelism a new adventure.
I must say this without missing words: my involvement with the Memory Book Clubs have made me realize how I am important to God and also that I matter to Him. God is touching lives and healing is taking place. I AM UNIQUE, WONDERFULLY AND FEARFULLY MADE BY GOD. That is what the Memory Book is all about. Grateful to be part of Memory Book Clubs! “ —Comfort
In early 2019, Memory Books received a request from Comfort for an additional 2,000 Memory Books for children of surrounding communities where she continues to train and equip others. In addition, Memory Books has just received the single largest request ever for 10,000 Memory Books for children in Nigeria.
As these requests for additional Memory Books are filled, we will have gifted Memory Books to over 55,000 children throughout the world.
As you can see, the need is great. A Memory Book can be placed in the hands of a child for just $10 (this includes purchase of the book itself and includes shipping). Please accept our sincere gratitude for helping us meet these requests.
Donations gladly accepted online at or mail to Memory Books, P.O. Box 1372, Gresham, Oregon 97030.